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[SOIKA] Foam Peeling PRO For Oily Hair, 150 ml
Salicylic acid peeling for oily and combination scalp has anti-inflammatory properties to help fight irritation and excessive oiliness of the scalp. It penetrates into the pores, dissolves sebum from within, intensively renews and helps to cleanse away impurities and excess sebum. How to use: use the peeling after shampoo! Apply the foam on your hands and gently massage all over the head, leave on for a while, rinse with running water. For a mild action soak time is 5 min, for deeper exfoliation increase the time to 10 min. It is normal to feel a slight tingling when using the peeling, but you should be guided by sensations. Be sure to perform a sensitivity test before use. Use no more than 1-2 times a week. Individual intolerance to the components is possible.
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Barcode 4820238720909
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